Phone (check), Headphones (check), Phone (check again), Camera (hmmmmm which one James? Mamiya. Which Mamiya James? "The newer one", check) Location....(I will figure it out). Sometime you just gotta go exploring....yeah I will go with that....exploring. Like I use to tell my mother. I guess not much has changed in that area, but that's what I did. With no destination in mind I went a small journey to capture some imagery on medium film. With my perplexing case of ADHD, I wanted to give myself a challenge....CALM the hell down for at least for an hour.
With headphones on and Spotify rocking in my pocket, I hopped out at a train yard and got to it. I briefly looked at the trains and tracks then proceeded to snap away at these massive vehicles which have been around for more then 200 years. Good things seem to last, I hope to fall into that category.
I will the show the images after they are developed, but for now here is a taste.
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James Pennie
James Pennie
James Pennie
James Pennie