
Published in Pump Magazine

We are always looking to move up to the next level and try something different. My make-up artist came up with this hot concept for our next shoot. After a brief conversation, we had our sights set and the mood board came together. We spent hours shopping for the right materials, colored lace, and selecting someone we felt would pull the look off. Recquel was our choice. She had a great look for this concept. We were pleased to get these images published in Pump Magazine.

Grab a copy here

Recquel Mack

Make-Up Artist
Allen Jones

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Published Images

Recquel Mack

Recquel Mack

Recquel Mack

Recquel Mack

Published in The Definition Magazine

I've never been an eye-candy style photographer. There's nothing wrong with it if you are but I'm not. The opportunity came to do a shoot with Brandee Cobb who will gladly tell you "I'm not a model," but really wanted to shoot in the attire. Funny girl. I agreed to the shoot and wanted to make it sexy but not raunchy. I wanted to be proud of my creation and give her what she was looking for. The shoot was a success by it self, but we I also able to get the images published in The Definition Magazine.


Published in The Definition Magazine

Brandee Cobb

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Brandee Cobb

Brandee Cobb

Brandee Cobb

Brandee Cobb

Brandee Cobb

Brandee Cobb

Brandee Cobb

Published Accomplishment

For months Katherine Del Rosario (Model), Melanie DeFrance (MUA) and myself have put in so many early mornings, late nights, and no sleep simply to create. Well after 2 months and 30 plus looks, we made one of many accomplishments to come. Collectively we have made the cover and inside of a new magazine based out of Atlanta, GA called Yes Yes Magazine. This is only their third issue, but I'm very happy we are apart of the early life of this magazine. I know this is only the beginning of more published work from all three of these talents both collectively and separately.


We all appreciate the support, don't forget to grab a copy here:

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I have included some samples for you to view!






KISS (Keep It Simple)

It was a last minute shoot that left a lasting impression. Auriana came ready and in no time we were done. Our goal was simple...lets keep it.....simple. She still had a full night ahead of her so I had to pull it all together in less than a hours notice. Fortunately we were on the same page and made everything work out for the best!


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Auriana Roberts

Auriana Roberts

Auriana Roberts

Auriana Roberts

Auriana Roberts

Auriana Roberts

Auriana Roberts

Auriana Roberts

Auriana Roberts

Auriana Roberts

Auriana Roberts

Auriana Roberts

Auriana Roberts

Auriana Roberts

Auriana Roberts

Auriana Roberts

Auriana Roberts

Auriana Roberts

Palate Exchange

Sometimes you just need to order something different off the menu. If you order the same sandwich every time you visit your favorite eatery, you aren't having a different experience or enjoying other options that are available to you. I was in need of something different for Jesselah Harris-McGrath. She is a beautiful lady that can kill a bass guitar, a set of heels and stun you with a smile, but I already knew that. I wanted to take her out of her own comfort zone and capture her unlike she has ever experienced before. I gave her props, no makeup artist, no sexy location...nothing. Jesselah doesn't fail.


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Jesselah Harris-McGrath

Jesselah Harris-McGrath

Jesselah Harris-McGrath

Jesselah Harris-McGrath

Jesselah Harris-McGrath

Jesselah Harris-McGrath

Jesselah Harris-McGrath

Just A Dash of Color

Not to long ago I informed my friend Toronda "where shooting today," and that's what happen. Sometimes you just gotta show em who's boss. All jokes aside, I had a couple great ideas for a shoot and she loved them. So the journey began. I needed to get her make-up done so over to the M.A.C. store at Lenox Mall in Buckhead we went and met up with Make-Up Artist AJ. She not only did a great job but is an amazing person, down to earth and listen to my needs for the shoot. (Connect with here on Instagram @ayejeezytk.) I even took some time to find some nice color combinations while AJ was handling some other things. I'm no make-up artist but I know a thing or two about colors I like. Make-up, lights and poses. We made it happen.


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My amazing arm!​

A small slice of Havana

I got the opportunity to shoot with a couple models over the weekend prior to their fashion show at Havana Club located in Buckhead (Atlanta,GA). It's always fun to meet new faces and bump into old friends. The turn out brought new opportunities and the location offered unique shoots to be taken. I definitely had a great time and I'm sure other did too. Here are a couple images from the other night.


High fives, good drinks, memory cards and cameras!

We hit one of the most unique spots in Atlanta. Apache Cafe! Myself and several other photographers, models, painters, sketchers and the like met up for a classic night of artistry. Just in case you aren't aware I can't I stuck with the camera, lenses and lighting. I had the pleasure of working with Kelli Rea hopefully we can bring more to the table in the near future. I will share some other awesome images and models from this night soon.

