Ms. Jean-Baptiste nailed it. Seriously, nailed it. I'm happy I was able to get her published into Pump Magazine which happens to be her first magazine publication. I'm sure she had no clue she would later be able to purchase a magazine with her beautiful face in print. I was determine to get this editorial published. In all reality, I didn't have to do to much work. The teams collective work spoke for itself. I was even greeted with a very pleasant email explaining their desire to publish them. This shoot started around 2am, after we had just finished another shoot in downtown Atlanta. Long hours and hard work never fail. Let's see what we can acomplish next! #dontstop
Sabine Jean-Baptiste
Make-Up / Hair Artist
Melanie DeFrance
Sabine Jean-Baptiste
Sabine Jean-Baptiste
Sabine Jean-Baptiste
Sabine Jean-Baptiste